Meet The Founders

Mike Trybulski

Mike is devoted husband to his wife Allison. They have two young daughters, and he feels blessed to be a girl dad. Mike is a follower of Christ and puts His teachings above all. During his professional career, Mike spent 13 years in law enforcement specializing in gang and drug investigations. He went on to become a certified law enforcement instructor where he found a passion for teaching. Mike served on the department training staff Reality Based Training Team and taught blocks of instruction at the police academy. Mike transferred from law enforcement to a Corporate Security role with a global company. He currently oversees a region in NC, facilitates security measures to hundreds of locations, and serves as the regional liaison for law enforcement. Mike is excited about building community and creating a legacy for his family as the founder of Apogee Triangle. Mike has contagious optimism for life and can find humor in most things. In his spare time, Mike can be found outdoors hunting or fishing. Good music and hockey will always be a favorite pastime.

Allison Wrenn

Allison is a proud wife, mom, daughter, sister and friend. Her faith in Christ Jesus is the foundation on which she builds her entire life and guides her daily in serving others. Professionally, she has spent most of the the last 16 years working at the Cary Chamber of Commerce as VP of Finance & Special Projects. She is recognized as a community leader and seeks to optimize partnerships and resources for the greater good of the community and the individuals it serves. She honors and cherishes the relationships she has been blessed to form both professionally and personally during this tenure. Her passion for health and wellness guides her decisions daily and helps shape her mission to educate and empower future generations to be curious, ask questions and find the root of all things. She is overjoyed to be on this journey with Mike and their two daughters, truly to change bloodlines for generations to come. In her spare time, Allison can be found in her garden, exercising, at the beach or hiking in the mountains.

Our Why

Our two daughters are the main driving force behind our "why". We believe that they each have a unique inherent genius that needs to be cultivated and discovered. We also know the Apogee mission is one we have been divinely called to lead. It’s an opportunity to serve mankind for the greater good of humanity and our future. We have always felt called to build community and now we have the opportunity to do it with education being the foundation. Apogee Triangle is a solution to the deliberate trap of obedient “what to think” schooling that makes people easier to control and more dependent on others. We have an obligation to our own daughters and other families to empower them to be self-driven, self-motivated, freethinkers who will pave their own path in this world. The Apogee mission will equip our young heroes with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to lead themselves and others in this journey called life.

Meet The Team Behind The Scenes

Tim Kennedy

Tim’s hard work and passion have resulted in an extraordinary life. Green Beret, UFC Fighter, and Television Host are all among his career highlights, but perhaps not as personally meaningful as Husband, Father, and Patriot. Tim is a great example of being unapologetically American!

Matt Beaudreau

As a lifelong educator Matt has a reputation as a provocative thought leader in educational and personal development practices. He is a two-time featured TEDx speaker and he was named Corporate Trainer of the Year at Stanford University, having spoken to over 250,000 people.



“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-

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