The Application Process:

This process is designed to make sure that we are the right fit to serve the learning needs for your child and your family. We recognize that we ask you to dedicate some time and thought into this. We encourage you to trust the process as it will help you get into the the Apogee mindset.

Step 1 - Get to Know Us:

* Follow us on Instagram @apogee_triangle_nc, @apogeeprogram, & @mattbeaudreau

* Read the posts and watch the videos to get a feel for who we are and what we stand for.

* Watch the Apogee Strong documentary, click "documentary" in navigation bar.

Step 2 - Get to Know You:

* If you think Apogee Triangle is a good fit, complete the Application below: ($100 non-refundable fee).

* Once the application is received, we will contact you to schedule a meeting to get to know each other.

* Invitation to enroll:

If our team agrees and you agree that Apogee Triangle is a good fit for your family, we will invite you to enroll.

Thank you!

Appiication Fee
No products available



“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to

have tried to succeed.”

–Theodore Roosevelt-

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